On today's episode of Room 3026 Live, we discussed topics ranging from Twitters now sending emails for re-tweets and favorites to Sony hacked again as attackers target Sony Music Japan. This is getting tiresome.
The following announcements were mentioned on today's show.
Triangle Startup Weekend
Think you have an idea that could be the next Facebook, Amazon, Google or YouTube? Well then you need to mark off your calendar for Friday June 3rd to Sunday June 5th and register for Triangle Startup Weekend. Triangle Startup Weekend is bringing together top entrepreneurs, programmers and idea generators in the American Tobacco Campus of Durham for a 54-hour, full weekend event. Limited tickets are available at trianglestartupweekend.com between now and June 3rd.
Blog Roll
The following listener blogs were mentioned on today's show.The following announcements were mentioned on today's show.
Triangle Startup Weekend
Think you have an idea that could be the next Facebook, Amazon, Google or YouTube? Well then you need to mark off your calendar for Friday June 3rd to Sunday June 5th and register for Triangle Startup Weekend. Triangle Startup Weekend is bringing together top entrepreneurs, programmers and idea generators in the American Tobacco Campus of Durham for a 54-hour, full weekend event. Limited tickets are available at trianglestartupweekend.com between now and June 3rd.
Blog Roll
- Show Notes for Room 3026 Live (Ep. 275) by Erica Goodwyn
- Love, Live, and Learn – There’s More in You by lilsonproductions81
The following feeds were mentioned on today's show.
- Twitter Now Sending Emails for Retweets and Favorites by Matthew Panzarino
- Sharing your screen for free with Join.Me by Kyle Callahan
- Evernote’s Google Chrome extension gets major upgrade by Mike Vardy
- Green Lantern Movie Trailer #3 by Geeks are Sexy
- 'The Dark Knight Rises' Villain Bane: First Look from TheWrap.com
- Leave the List and Pick up the Circular to Save Money on Groceries by Alan Henry
- Square payment app updated to add shelves, item variety and beauty by Matthew Panzarino
- Android App Sees Faces & Tags Friends in Photos by Jennifer Van Grove
- Sony hacked again as attackers target Sony Music Japan. This is getting tiresome. by Matt Brian
- Ghost Recon Online is a free-to-play shooter, closed beta 'this summer' by Christopher Grant
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If you don't have time to listen to the show, take us with you to the gym, work, commute, or while cleaning the house. Download this episode using MP3 or iTunes.
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