How Does It Work?
To begin, visit Spotify.com and download the application.
Once installed, log into Spotify and check out the right-hand side of the dashboard. You should either see a Facebook icon with a button asking you to Connect to Facebook or a list of your Facebook friends.
From this point, you can begin listening to music. As you listen, friends on Facebook can see the songs you're listening too, both in the ticker and on your wall.
Not only can your friends SEE what you're listening to, but they can now HEAR what you're listening to as well. As seen in the image below, simply click on the play button and the song will play.
Thanks to Spotify, both you and your Facebook friends can listen to over 15 million songs together for FREE.
To see more details on the new music service, check out the video below. Immediately following the break, leave me a comment in the section below. What do you think about the feature?
If you cannot see the video, click here.
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