Sunday, October 9, 2011

Live Blogging C3 Church: Love (Week 4)

This weekend, C3 Church continues a new series entitled, "LOVE." Stay tuned during the 9:15 and 11:15 a.m. services (EST) for a live blog of Martha Fry's sermon.

Refresh this page during those hours for a regularly updated post.

If you would like to view the service online, please click here.

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10:24 am
If you would like to make a fresh start in your life and receive God's love, pray this prayer: 
Dear God, I realize I've sinned and I need you. Thank you for dying on the cross and rising from the grave. Come in to my heart and save me. Thank you for giving me eternal and abundant life. Help me to live for you, for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name. Amen. 
To share your story, want more information about next steps, or just in need of prayer, please contact Pastor Matt Fry.
10:20 am
Examples of being rude:
1) Be late for everything, which is not honoring other peoples time.
2) Allowing kids to do whatever they want.
3) Interrupting other people when talking. 
10:19 am
Love is not rude. We have to honor one another. When you live a life of honor, you are not prideful.
9:51 - 10:18 am
Martha gives 10 signs of a prideful or humble person:
Pride - Voicing preferences or opinions when not asked.
Humble - Speaks the truth in love
Pride - Defensive or blame-shifting. There is a lack of asking for forgiveness. "It's not my fault but everyone else's fault."
Humble - Quick in admitting when you are wrong and quick to ask for forgiveness.
Pride - Seeking independence or control. This person has to control everything. They don't submit to other's authority.
Humble - Gladly submissive and obedient to those in authority. 
Pride -  Talks too much. This when someone talks about themselves. Too much talk leads to sin.
Humble - Seek ways to build others up. This person listens and is genuinely interested in what the other person has to say.
Pride - Perfectionism. Prideful people are perfectionist. They are never happy about anything. Your spouse will never be perfect. Perfect people can't even laugh at themselves.
Humble - Stay teachable. "God I am. Here are my gifts. Do with it what you can." 
Pride - Having an inflated view of your importance, gifts, and abilities. A legend in their own mind. "Look at me and look at all I've done for you."
Humble - Genuinely glad for others. They can rejoice when good things happen to other people. If God wants to promote you, he will. Faithful in little means faithful in lot. Here is a great way to remind yourself about this, "Everyone is replaceable." Martha talks about Hillsong Church and how this very thing happened there. "Our destiny is directly tied to our leader."
Pride - Seeing yourself better than others or impatient or easily irritated with others. This person looks down on others. "I'm so glad that I'm not person."
Humble - Sees yourself no better than others. We are all equal. One way Martha reminds herself about humility, if it weren't for the grace of God she could be in someone else's shoes.
Pride - Anger. This person is angry, pouts, frustrated, and depressed. Depression is anger towards oneself. This could be an addiction for some.
Humble - Seeks to live at peace with all people.    
Pride - Lack of gratitude in general. These people are never satisfied.
Humble - Thank God and people often. These people don't feel like they deserve anything. We are to give thanks in all circumstances. Don't worry about what you don't have but be thankful for what you do have.
Pride - Complains against or passing judgement on God. We blame God for the way our kids turned out.
Humble - Acknowledges who God is and trusts him. A humble person can even praise God during troubled times.
9:50 am
The Bible says that we need to pick up our cross daily and follow Jesus. In order to do so, we have to get on our knees to lift that cross (Martha demonstrates). Once we pick up our cross, the Holy Spirit takes it from there.
9:47 am
The opposite of pride is humility (Philippians 2:3-4). It's not about "Me" but about "You." It's easy to be prideful because it's natural. A humble person is strong. Jesus gave us the model to be humble (Philippians 5:2-3). Jesus gave up his place on the throne to become a servant and died a criminals death. The position of a servant is humbled (Martha gets on her knees). 
9:45 am
Love is not prideful. Right in the middle of PrIde is the letter "I." Pride is all about "I." "It's all about me, I, I, I." When we stand relaxed, our body shape is "I." As kids, we often worry about ourselves and what is "ours" and "mine." Our sinful self says, "If I have to sin to get what I want, I will." "If I want to look at pornography, talk about people, or steal, I will."
9:43 am
Martha Fry comes on stage and begins the message on love. The foundational scripture is 1 Corinthians 13. Love is an "Action." She encourages all to continue with the Love Revolution. You have to be intentional when loving people.
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Damond L. Nollan, M.B.A.

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