We all end up in the pit. Joseph had a dream and shared it with his family. His brothers were already jealous and, as a result, they threw him in a pit.
Genesis 37:12-24 (NLT)
Question 1: How do we end up in a pit?
The first answer is PRIDE. As we learned last week, it's not what Joseph said, but how and where he said it. Joseph was his daddy's favorite. He was the only son to get a coat of many colors (aka Armani Robe) [audience laughs]. As he was wandering around, his brother's spotted him. How did they find him? Pastor Matt believes it was the bright colored coat.
Joseph's pride led him into the pit. When we focus on the gift and not the giver, we are destined to fall into the pit.
The second answer is PEOPLE. People will hurt you (intentionally or unintentionally). Sometimes, people most close to you can hurt you. Although, there is one person who will not hurt you and that person is God.
Joseph's family had issues. His brothers were jealous and they wanted to kill him. Later, the brothers even sold him for 20 pieces of silver. They lied to their father when they came back with Joseph's coat covered in animal blood.
Sometimes, after we are hurt, it's hard to trust people because we have been abused or mistreated. In this case, it was Joseph's brothers that sold him into slavery.
Interesting comparison between Joseph and Jesus. Both were betrayed, sold for silver pieces, and put into a pit.
Genesis 37:25-36 (NLT)
While the brothers didn't say Joseph was eaten by animals, they allowed their father to think he was dead. How long did they allow this to continue? The answer is 22 years. That is a long time to let your dad morn for someone you knew was not dead.
Question 2: How do we help those in a pit?
Galatians 6:1-2 (NLT)
There are two ways to respond when someone is in a pit: 1) Be a ladder or 2) Be an adder. A ladder is a way to restore someone gently. However, when one is an adder, we keep adding dirt on top of them while they are in the hole.
Let's be helpful and give folks a ladder. Remember, we've all been there before. Let's point them in the right direction and get them to the gospel by sharing your testimony.
Question 3: What do we do when we find ourselves in a pit?
The first thing we should do is LOOK UP, which gives us perspective.
John 3:17 (NKJV)
God never condemns you while you are in the pit. What God will do is convict you whereas the Devil condemns.
John 8:44 (NIV)
The Devil tries to fill your head with lies. He has so many lies. Here are a two examples: You're not valuable and you married the wrong person.
Genesis 37:22 (NLT)
God wants to rescue and return you back to your heavenly father. Examples include the prodigal son and Jonah in the belly of the whale.
"When we run from Jesus, you pay. However, when we run toward Jesus, he pays."
Jonah 2:1-2 (NLT)
The third thing we should do is KEEP TRUSTING, which is provision. Trust in the Lord and he will provide for you. Whatever the Devil takes, God wants to restore. Joseph lost his robe, but he later received a palace full of robes.
When God rescues you, you can't put a price tag on that. Keep trusting! (repeated 3X) Our God will provide.
Psalms 40:2 (NLT)
Do You Need A Fresh Start?
If you need hope or help. God wants you to know that he loves you. Jesus died and rose from the grave. If you would like to know Jesus as your savior then pray this prayer.
Dear God, I realize I've sinned and I need you. Thank you for dying on the cross and rising from the grave. Come in to my heart and save me. Thank you for giving me eternal and abundant life. Help me to live for you, for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name. Amen.
To share your story, want more information about next steps, or just in need of prayer, please contact Pastor Matt Fry.
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