As the meeting came to an end, we agreed to come back together after the holidays and hold a brown bag lunch. The idea is to begin bringing social media into the forefront of our university and identify other supporters and active participants.
My homework assignment was to create a Facebook group and invite the other three people. From there, we would begin connecting other supporters on campus.
In order to create a Facebook group, I would have to have a group name. Unfortunately, we didn't have one yet. I asked for some ideas during the meeting, but it was obvious that none of us thought that far ahead.
In my mind, I was already thinking about the Triangle Social Media Club and all the work they've been doing in the area. I thought we could make a connection with them and save ourself some time trying to establish something new. Additionally, there might be a naming convention for higher education.
To my surprise, the Social Media Club was already working on connecting colleges and universities. As of today, there are only a handful of schools listed but the dialog is well on its way. So far, there have been a number of online chat sessions between the Social Media Club and university representatives.
Many of the issues and ideas shared between university representatives were focused on educating decision-makers and implementing curriculum within the classroom. For me, the first order of business was to create a name. So, for the time being, assuming everyone agrees, I created a Facebook group named Social Media Club Education - North Carolina Central University (SMCEdu-NCCU).
If you're interested in supporting the cause, feel free to stop in and join us. Additionally, I would love to hear your thoughts on developing a social media user group in a university setting? What are your issues? Ideas? Recommendations? Talking points? Successes? Let's talk in the comment section below.
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