Changing web browsers is not one of my favorite things to do. In fact, I recall the move from Microsoft Internet Explorer to Firefox was done kicking and screaming. Not that I was the last guy to migrate, but my friend Minu Nianda had to convince me it was a good idea. Come to think of it, he did the same for Gmail.
Today, I find that Google Chrome has released its latest beta version. Along with the beta comes extensions. Yes, Google Chrome now provides a number of browser extensions.
A quick visit to the Chrome Extensions page reveals a decent list of noteworthy apps. A few of my favorites are Delicious, Shareaholic, Zamanta, Picnik, and Aviary. To see the complete list of available extensions follow this link.
At this point, we are left asking the question. Is it time to switch from Firefox to Google Chrome? Early reports say that Google Chrome is faster and does a better job of managing JavaScript. In Windows, it is THE fastest.
For me, I am a fan of Firefox. However, I must admit that I am not happy about the delay to open, which seems to take forever.
When asked whether or not I would make that move, I initially stated that I would not migrate until Chrome got extensions. Well, today it does.
Mike Render, a skilled graphic designer at North Carolina Central University, is adament, like Minu before him, that Google Chrome is a good idea for me. At this point, it is becoming harder and harder to say "No!"
Although, Zotero, the tool I use for holding dissertation resources is not yet available on Chrome. Therefore, until Google Chrome can accommodate all of my extension needs, I cannot, will not, must not let go of Mozilla's Firefox.
What About You?
What are your thoughts on Google Chrome's new browser and extensions? Have you made the transition yet? If not, what are your reservations?
Until next time...
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