Today, I learned about a new service called, Twuffer. Developed by Grady Britton, Twuffer allows Twitter users to schedule a number of tweets for future delivery.
Why Schedule Tweets?
For the most part, tweeting on Twitter is a NOW phenomenon. People talk about what they are doing, thinking, eating, and feeling at the moment. So why, then, would anybody want to schedule a tweet?
The first thing that comes to mind is marketing. As a blogger, I find that important announcements like the completion of a new article is news worthy. Therefore, to help reach my readers, I would like to post a tweet announcing my article a couple of times throughout the day.
With a scheduled tweet, I can ask Twuffer to post my announcement in the morning, afternoon, and evening, which gives my readers a chance to see the notification.
Another reason to schedule a tweet is to help advertise an event. If we take for example an upcoming conference or meeting, I can schedule a number of tweets reminding attendees to take action on something. The number of applications for scheduling future tweets are many, but these are just a few that I have used in the past.
How Do I Use Twuffer?
Using your Twitter credentials, users can easily create a new account.
Once the account has been created, it is time to set user preferences. This step includes identifying time zone, date and time formats, and location of tweets on the home page.
Once user preferences have been set, scheduling tweets is very easy.
- Type tweet message.
- Schedule the date and time message should be delivered. The options for time of tweets is limited to hour intervals. This means users can sent a tweet at 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm, and 9:00 pm, but not at 7:30 pm, 8:10 pm, or 9:55 pm. To me this is not a huge deal.
- Once finished, click on the "Set Status" button to queue the message.
The two other tabs on the page include the dashboard and sent tweets. The dashboard displays the number of queued, sent, and entered tweets, along with a preview of your next tweet to be published.
Overall, Twuffer is a simple, yet attractive, tool that does exactly what it advertises. So, if you're looking to send scheduled tweets, give Twuffer a try.
Do you have a favorite Twitter tool? If so, what is it and why do you love it so. Let's discuss it in the comment section below.
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