The name is Woopra and it is a real-time tracking and analytics application. Now, before I begin, let me preface this post by saying that I have only used this product for a little less than a week. However, I do see Woopra, even in its beta version, as a very valuable tool that provides instant feedback on the health of your web site or blog.
Do understand that the application is in beta and users will have to request approval from the company. It only took a couple of days before I received a key code, but Woopra is worth the wait.

Similar to Google Analytics, users will have to insert a few lines of code near the closing body tag on pages you seek to track. This process only took a minute to do. After that, you will need to download the reporting tool to your desktop. There is a version for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Once you have installed the desktop application, inserted the lines of code into your page, and entered your approval code, you are ready to go. Within seconds, you will be able to see a live reading of visitors to your site. You can review a wide variety of data ranging from country of origin to referrers. So far, I am very happy with the application as it provides me with an up-to-the-minute view of my sites progress.
As of today, the beta version is totally free and uses around 56k of memory. The Woopra site reports that once out of beta they will offer a free and paid version. Assuming there are no surprises, I would be willing to pay for this type of service.
If you are interested, take a look and let me know your thoughts. Do you think this is something Google Analytics would be willing to do? Would you be willing to pay for a similar service?
Until next time...
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