On today's episode of Room 3026 Live, we discussed topics ranging from Twitter says Facebook, Foursquare will remain in Tweetdeck to how Amazon helped Adam Carolla stay in podcasting.
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The following announcements were mentioned on today's show.
Triangle Startup Weekend
Think you have an idea that could be the next Facebook, Amazon, Google or YouTube? Well then you need to mark off your calendar for Friday June 3rd to Sunday June 5th and register for Triangle Startup Weekend. Triangle Startup Weekend is bringing together top entrepreneurs, programmers and idea generators in the American Tobacco Campus of Durham for a 54-hour, full weekend event. Limited tickets are available at trianglestartupweekend.com between now and June 3rd.
Blog Roll
- It’s Time… by lilsonproductions81
- Show Notes for Room 3026 Live (Ep. 277) by Erica Goodwyn
- Scotty McCreery's Top 10 Performances on American Idol by Ivey Breaks It Down
Feed Watch
The following feeds were mentioned on today's show.
- Does Social Media Make Us Nicer People? by Martin Bryant
- Twitter Says Facebook, Foursquare Will Remain in Tweetdeck by Marshall Kirkpatrick
- Facebook & Spotify To Launch Streaming Music Service by Brenna Ehrlich
- Back to the Future: Step into the LinkedIn Connection Timeline by Gordon Koo
- Google Maps 5.5 for Android adds ‘Check-in’ and ‘Rate’ to places by Matthew Panzarino
- Amazon Repeats $0.99 Deal On Lady Gaga Album, Says Servers Won’t Melt This Time by Robin Wauters
- Happy Guys Finish Last: Women Prefer Serious Men by Alex
- How Amazon Helped Adam Carolla Stay in Podcasting by Todd Wasserman
- Age of Conan is Now Free to Play [Blip] by Luke Plunkett
- Battlestar Galactica Online surpasses 2 million players by Richard Mitchell
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