Within minutes, I Googled an article that I wrote back in August of this year. It is entitled, "How often should I post a blog?" Basically, I laid out similar feelings that I hold today. I am busy and have smaller amounts of time to write. Also, with the number of things going on in the world, I feel like I'm missing opportunities to chime in and share my own experiences because I am off writing a "masterpiece".
What's the problem? You may ask to yourself. I suppose I forget that this is a personal blog, not a business. Thanks to Madhav Tripathi, I am once again reminded that I can do and say whatever I like here.
While that is true, I also recognize that I have some constraints. Like Jay-Z said, "I'm not a businessman, I am a business, MAN!" Well, that is what I see when I look in the mirror. As a business, I need to act like one. This means being selective about what I write, as well as how.
In any case, I am using this entry as a jump off point to return to writing more often using smaller entries like I notice Dave Winer and Chris Brogan do from time to time. Of course, I maintain the right to write something longer, should the bug bite.
Until next time...
Image via Linda Cronin
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